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       So, Who Am I? 😅

So, you did find me interesting 😏, that's why you are here.

Lemme continue now in that case...

I am a late-night and early-morning person. Yeah, I am not a sleeping beauty like my some of my friends or someone who follows a sleep schedule.  If you ask me for my schedule, I don't have one. I prefer to study or do my work during night. During the day, even I don't know what am I doing and during evenings, I'm mostly out chilling with people.

Talking about "schedule", umm, yeah we all thought we could follow that in our school days, but we all know what happens after we made one... 😂😂😂

Nilay Saraf
Nilay Saraf

I am a foodie as well. I have tried out many cuisines, still many are left 😅. Take me any place with good food whether its street food, some crowd market, etc. I don't mind. Just the food must be good... 😋🤤

Recently, I took a decision. I decided to eat food from restaurant-chains less and to try new cafes and restaurants more. The decision turned to be pretty fruitful. I came across some real good food places that you won't find anywhere else...

I like to cook as well. Not an excellent chef, but I do make Italian Cuisine well. I make some good desserts and beverages as well. To open a food van was a dream in the past... 😂

I am an adventurous and a daring person too 💀😎. Be it rock climbing, kayaking, river rafting, bungee jumping, sky diving, parasailing, I'm in for all.

Some of my friends do ask me, "Aren't you afraid?". I'm like, "What's there to be afraid of? It's fun". Enjoy life to the fullest. Why be afraid and stop? Just take the leap...

Sky diving and scuba diving have been on my list for a long time. I'm just waiting for the time to come. I have to do it!

The first time I ran and took the leap for paragliding... It was one of the best experience of my life. The view of the mountains, the greenery, the air brushing on your skin, it feels so good. Its like "Why can't I just stay up here?" 😌

Nilay Saraf
Nilay Saraf

I love to travel too. It does not have to be a lavish place every time. I like campsites. They are good places. You feel close to the nature and they are fun to be at. You just need a great group... 

Although, sometimes I do need a good hotel or a resort to relax and get a break from the normal routine. Swimming in the pool, standing on the resort beach, enjoying the good buffet food, sleeping peacefully in the comfy bed, not worrying or thinking about anything...😌

Every year, I need a small break and need to travel during my vacation time. Mostly, I travel with my family. These are the days away from laptop. Just enjoy and click and get clicked many great pics... 😂

I am also a huge fan of songs, mainly Hindi & English songs. If you ask me my favourite band, it always has been "ONE DIRECTION" 😎. Their songs are just amazing. Talking about recent times, "THE VAMPS" 💀 has caught my interest.


My most recent favourite lines 😍 would be:- 

Last night you slipped into my dream 
Blue waves, red earth, and purple sea
You tell me things I never could believe, no
I'll take your words like ecstasy

You're a heartbreaker, you'll be the death of me
Sooner or later, sooner or later
Love chaser, you're chasing it out of me
But I'm gonna break you, sooner or later...


So, recently I started writing, technically typing 💬, blog articles. Nothing of a series or particular sorta thing, just about things that randomly pop off on the top of the mind. If you want, you can read them on my LinkedIn and Medium profile...

It started off as a random thing, but then I wrote some for the corporates as well, as a freelancer. I find it interesting digging through websites to find relevant content. I do take some help from AI tools like ChatGPT  to enhance my vocabulary 😎...

Its lot of fun to explore about the different things, and knowingly or unknowingly, you do enhance the knowledge of the various domains or topics, you write about... 

Well... I can keep going on and on 😂😂😂. But I think this much is enough for now...

Toodles for Now! Ciao! Cya! 👋🏻

I do expect you will be going through the other pages too here... 😁

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