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This page contains some of the projects I took up independently and completed successfully within a short period of time.

Independent Work

Spam Message/Mail Detection

This is a machine learning model that predicts whether a message or mail is spam or not. The model used Natural Language Training Kit (NLTK) for transforming the message to the root words it contains and then Multinomial Naive Bayes theorem for predicting probability of the message or mail being spam or not. 

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 10.31.53 AM.png

Independent Work

Loan Prediction ML Model

This is a simple machine learning model that predicts whether a person can get a loan or not based on various features like education, income, credit history, dependents, etc.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 9.39.30 PM.png

Website Designer

Bittersweet Coffee Website

This is an e-commerce platform as well as company portfolio. The forms have been linked to google sheets so that the order details and the sales can all be seen and managed in an efficient manner, making it easy for the people there to manage the same.


Rimu Group Website

Website Designer & Manager

This is a basic portfolio for a company. I have designed the website as well as hosted it with custom domain name. The site has all the information regarding the company and the rest, you can see for yourself


Independent Work

Tic Tac Toe Game

This is one of the most common games that we play to pass our time in classes or randomly between meetings to stop dozing off.

Here, this game is for 2 humans to play.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 9.53.32 PM.png

Hospital Management System

Project Lead

This is a basic DBMS created using Python and MySQL. This was created for the hospitals to manage their data, as a part of Class 12 submission. 

This is  a basic text-based console that can be transformed to GUI later on whenever needed.

Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 1.56.39 AM.png
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